We invite you to join us at G12, where we strive to build a Bible-based church that testifies the gospel of Jesus Christ – the only savior, hope, truth and life.
Greetings Family,
I am grateful and delighted that you have found your way to the online home of the Greater Twelfth Church family. As a Christian I don't believe in coincidence therefore it is my belief that you have found our online home through divine influence. Our church family is committed to ministering to the total person and providing safe spaces for all generations while pointing all persons to Christ through love.
We celebrate in worship together. We love and care for one another. We cultivate spiritual life by studying the Word of God both individually and collectively.
Our prayer is that you will walk in the peace and protection of God and one day we will be blessed to meet you face to face.
In God's Grace,
Rev. Joseph W. Stanley Jr.
Senior Pastor
To minister to the total person, provide safe spaces for all generations while pointing all persons to Christ through love.
We invite you to join us at GTMBC, where we strive to build a Bible-based church that testifies the gospel of Jesus Christ – the only savior, hope, truth and life.
We will walk together in Christian love and strive for the advancement of the ministry.
We will support each other with encouragement through fellowship, remembrance in prayer, aid in sickness and distress, Christian sympathy in feeling and courtesy in speech.
We will contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of the church and ministries through tithes, offerings and service.
We will demonstrate our love for Christ through service to others in the church and the community.
We will increase our understanding of God’s word through discipleship and daily devotion.
We will seek God’s direction in providing ministries that seek to involve, engage and spiritually enhance the community through sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
We firmly believe that is we exalt the Lord and empower ourselves through discipleship and preaching the work of God; lives will be transformed, and souls will be saved.